Armed Forces Salute: Singer Family

WILSON Bob Singer travels around the southeast as the Vice-Supreme Master for the Knights of Columbus' Desoto Province.

He says everywhere he goes he is on a mission to raise money for wounded warriors.

"You have anywhere from 450 to 700 people at a banquet and its covering each place in every state," Singer said. "So I get up there and hammer on this and explain what I'm doing."

It started nearly four years ago with a phone call.

"It was December 1, 2006, I got a phone call from the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the gentleman who called me happened to be a Knight of Columbus and they were short handed on money that year," Singer said.

In less than three weeks, he raised $6,000 by speaking at Catholic churches and collecting money after mass.

"There's times I have a hard time keeping a dry eye, because there daubing their eyes to dry them who've had wounded warriors in their families," Singer said.

Every penny is used to send wounded warriors home for the holidays.

"We figured that was probably the best time that the families getting as much good out of it as they would," Singer said.

Two years ago, the Military Order of the Purple Heart presented Singer with an award for raising $58,000. And last year, with the help of the Knight of Columbus, Singer was able to raise $67,000.

This year between 120 and 140 wounded warriors will be able to make the journey home.

"They're very, very thankful for what we do," Singer said.

World War II vets are also thankful for Singer's work. He also helps raise money for honor flights take vets to Washington to see the World War II memorial.

"You see a lot of old men and a lot of tears running down their cheeks," Singer said.

So far this year, Singer has raised $22,000.

If you would like to help him, contact Bob Singer, c/o Wounded Warrior Christmas Leave Fund at 2506 Canal Dr. Wilson, NC 27896.

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