Raleigh preparing for winter weather

RALEIGH Governor Bev Perdue has declared this week Winter Weather Preparedness Week.

Winter is four weeks away and the governor is reminding residents to prepare now in the event a winter storm hits.

At Raleigh's salt barn off Capital Boulevard, the City is already getting ready --they've stored their salt and brine and readied the snow equipment for any winter weather that may hit the Capital City.

"We are ready to go," City of Raleigh Street Superintendant Chris McGee said. "We have about 40 vehicles 40 dump trucks that have spreaders and plows. We have both our salt barns full, we have about 4,000 tons of salt on hand, all the spreaders and salters have been serviced."

It doesn't' take much to wreak havoc when it comes to winter storms in the Triangle, like the ice storm in 2005. The ice storm paralyzed the City, stranding cars and forcing hundreds of children to sleep at school.

"I believe it was Jan. 12, I remember it well," McGee said. "It doesn't take much; a quarter of an inch of ice can pretty much bring us to a halt, so we try to keep ahead of it."

The first day of winter is Dec. 21, but officials say wintry weather can hit anytime.

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