What's in store for Durham schools?

DURHAM The announcement came just before 5 p.m. Wednesday at the schools' headquarters.

After months of input from parents, businesses, taxpayers and students, a plan has been devised. However, it is not exactly clear what is in the plan.

The superintendent will only say the plan will be released on January 26.

Durham Schools Superintendent Dr. Eric Becoats did hint Wednesday that one element of the new plan for students would be to enhance technology education.

"You may say that it is revolutionary," Becoats said. "I think it is something that is different. I think it is outlining a direction for the district that does include the community."

He says that's something many called for while administrators were conducting what they called their "Listening and Learning" tour.

But like many school systems, Durham is facing serious budget issues.

So does the new plan include closing any schools?

"All possibilities, um, you know, are open, but that is not specifically illustrated or outlined in our strategic plan," Becoats said.

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