Raleigh first in nation to use SeeClickFix

RALEIGH From potholes to graffiti - the app lets residents notify the city of something that needs to be addressed.

On Thursday afternoon, ABC11 reported a missing sewer drain cover to the City of Raleigh using the new SeeClickFix smart phone app after a group of teens were caught climbing down into the drain.

Within two hours, the problem was acknowledged and fixed by the end of the day - a quick response that's being credited to the technology.

"Now with a tagged photo of any specific item, staff members know what they need to address, you can go with the tools, fix it and do it in a lot less time," Raleigh City Council Member Bonner Gaylord said.

Gaylord is behind the city using the app.

"The folks over at SeeClickFix have been getting a great response and hoping to implement a similar program to other cities, in fact the founder of SeeClickFix emailed me the other day saying he talked with Craig of craigslist and they were excited about what we were doing here," Gaylord said.

Gaylord first launched the app on his personal website for problems in his district. The success and simplicity led to the city council to adopt it, making Raleigh the first city in the nation to use SeeClickFix.

"It's generally pot holes, graffiti, noise and elements people experience as problems in their community - streetlights out - it's a lot of blocking and tackling things and we'll certainly be looking for new ways we can utilize this technology to solve other issues," Gaylord said.

The city started using the SeeClickFix app citywide in January, but it seems to already be catching on with an average of 20 reports coming in a day.

"And they fulfill those requests at a median time of about three days," Gaylord said.

However on Thursday, it only took about six hours.

To learn more about the SeeClickFix app click here.

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