Wild foxes cause neighborhood controversy


Most of the animals have been seen at a distance, but Cary resident Susan Deese told ABC11 she got up close and personal with one.

"He was right here on this mat with his face right here at this glass," she recalled.

Deese says on another occasion, a fox attacked her 4-year-old dog Lilly.

"She was just kind of running circles around him and yelling and barking and I didn't know if she was hurt, or bitten or what," said Deese.

Deese was able to grab her dog and run inside, but her animal was wounded. She says she's worried what could happen to children.

"Since the foxes are out during the day, they could be sleeping under a bush somewhere and if one of their children walks up to it and startles it, it might not be a very good outcome," she said.

That's why Deese says she reached out to Daniel Glover - AKA Trapper Dan - a North Carolina wildlife damage control agent, who found enough reason to issue a permit, so the foxes could be removed.

"One the dog was attacked. Number two it was an immediate threat," said Glover. "It's such a populated area with humans, and the interaction with human conflict and wildlife, it's eventually going to cause an issue where either a child gets bit, someone gets bit or then again another dog gets attacked."

But several neighborhood residents say they don't want the foxes to be trapped because in North Carolina, once a fox is trapped, it has to be euthanized. It's done to prevent the spread of rabies.

Deese and Glover were holding a meeting in Preston Thursday to listen to resident's concerns.

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