Police: Man linked to at least 5 rapes


Thirty-five-year-old Steven Devon Allicott is charged with first-degree rape, attempted rape, and kidnapping.

According to search warrants, investigators suspect Allicott is behind five attacks in Raleigh and Durham. He allegedly targeted women he thought were prostitutes and told them he was an undercover police officer.

The warrants say he had handcuffs, a gun, and a knife.

The first incident started in a car parked on Cooper Road in Raleigh. Police say the victim told them she met Allicott online and he picked her up on September 6 of last year.

She claims he forced her to have sex with him.

Eight months later, the warrant claims, another victim told Durham police she was picked up while walking near her home by a man believed to be Allicott. He allegedly drove her to the outskirts of Raleigh, showed her handcuffs, said he was undercover officer, and forced her to have sex with him.

Exactly one month later, near the intersection of Lenior and Coleman streets, a woman reported to police that she accepted a ride with a man who asked if she wanted to make some money. She told him she was not a prostitute and tried to get out of the car.

But, according to the search warrant, he grabbed her, pointed a gun at her, said he was an undercover officer, threatened to kill her, and then raped her.

Then, in early July, at Tipton and Quarry, just around the corner from the prior rape, there was another attack.

The victim says she was taken behind a strip mall, beaten, kicked, and left in the parking lot.

A few blocks away - less than a week later, on July 8 - a woman says a man picked her up. She agreed to a sex act for $20 and says the suspect drove to an ATM machine at the Walnut Creek shopping center to get the money.

Police say they traced the transaction to Allicott, had other victims pick him out of a photo line-up and made the arrest.

"When we figured out that we had a serial rapist, it took us about a month and a half to bring the pieces together and identify a suspect," said Sgt. Ken Huff with the Raleigh Police Department.

Profilers say men often commit crimes against prostitutes because the crimes often go unreported or the suspects believe police won't care. But Raleigh police say everyone has the right to be safe.

"We're gonna give the citizens, no matter what their status in life is, we're gonna give them the best police professionalism we can and solve a case of rape," offered Huff.

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