Wendell officer thrown from patrol car


The accident happened on Barwell Road and Holiday Drive in southeast Raleigh just before 6 a.m.

The Wendell Police Department told ABC11 that Officer Jermaine Thomas was injured when he swerved to avoid debris in the road and lost control of his car.

The 30-year-old officer's patrol car rolled over and Thomas was ejected through a side window. It is unclear if he was wearing a seat belt, and if he was speeding at the time of the accident.

The car ended up in Heather Woodson's front yard.

"We were already awake, then we heard this loud boom, and then we came out here, and it flipped, and then my husband found him over on the car," Woodson said. "And he flew out the car and landed in the side of the white car over there. You can see on the side of the white car, it's all damaged."

The Highway Patrol was quick to respond, and said Officer Thomas was alert and talking after the accident, something that amazed Woodson. "I really thought he was going to be dead, but he's not, he was talking," Woodson said. "He was a very commendable officer, he wasn't worried about himself at all, he was worried about everything else."

The Highway Patrol said Thomas suffered a broke ankle and hip and is in stable condition at the hospital. No one else was injured.

The Highway Patrol is investigating. So far, no tickets have been issued in the accident.

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