Experts say allergy season has started earlier than ever thanks to the warm weather in the area. Allergy sufferers agree.
"The pollen this year seems to be worse than other years, and it's quite intense," Sally Burris said. "We have a cloud of pollen that's sort of settled over Raleigh over the past two days. I'd like it to go away because I'm allergic to it."
If you think your case of itchy eyes and runny nose is bad, you're not alone. Susanne Jacobs is a nurse practitioner at a Raleigh CVS Minute Clinic and said she has seen an increase in people with allergy symptoms.
"We had an unusual warm winter which allowed our trees to pollinate earlier in the spring this year. And the amount of rain we've had has helped encourage growth," Jacobs said.
At the CVS Minute Clinic, Jacobs said she has seen many people who suffer from asthma dealing with allergy symptoms from pollen.
"It's not good at all. It's hard to breathe really. The people that have it real bad, I feel sorry for them. I really do," allergy sufferer Virginia King said.
Jacobs recommends over-the-counter medicines like Zyrtec or a saline sinus rinse to alleviate symptoms.
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