Evanston bakery suing over signature recipe, the 'cinnamon bomb'

April 17, 2012 (EVANSTON, Ill.)

It is a sweet, donut-like creation that is a favorite at Fraiche Bakery and Cafe. The Evanston establishment is in a battle over the bomb.

Owner Susan Davis Friedman says she has filed suit against a former chef accused of robbing the menu.

"I would still come here. I just couldn't have the cinnamon bomb anymore. It's a little disappointing," said customer Danica Aniciete.

"Sad if they don't get the recipes back because I've heard about this Cinnamon Bomb, and I've actually wanted to try it," said customer Casey Blaha.

The lawsuit says the chef resigned two weeks, but returned to the bakery a few days later, allegedly stealing two binders containing several recipes.

"It's kind of like going to work, and if you take something from work, it's called stealing," Aniciete said. "How do you walk away and say, 'No, I didn't steal that?' "

The lawsuit says the recipes were developed over the course of years with the help of the former chef who signed a non-disclosure agreement.

But, even without such a contract, copyright attorney Kevin Parks -- who is not involved in this case -- says anything developed on company time is the company's.

"The company is the one that's devoting the resources to taking the risk," said Parks.

Friedman declined ABC 7's request for an interview Tuesday but said there is a hearing on the matter later this week.

Until then, the bakery is switching up its menu, hoping soon to bring back the bomb.

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