Apex ranked one of best places to live


Money Magazine ranked the town #9 on their annual "100 Best Places in America to Live" list.

The list ranked 50 communities with 10,000 - 50,000 in population that offered the best combination of strong job opportunities, great schools, low crime, quality health care, plenty to do, and a true sense of community.

"The Money Magazine ranking for Apex as one of the elite communities in the country brings credit to our citizens who exhibit daily the spirit and engagement that it takes to make a community great," said Mayor Keith Weatherly in a statement Monday. "The Town Council and staff work hard with our residents to maintain the quality of life that Apex is famous for."

Apex is no stranger to the accolade. The town was ranked #14 in 2007 by Money Magazine, and #3 "Best Place to Move To" by Forbes.com in 2009.

Money Magazine started with 1,326 towns nationwide in the small town category, then screened out communities based on financial, demographic, crime, employment, real estate, education, health care, and quality of life. Highest weight was given to economic and housing factors.

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