Both know what it is like to have no health insurance. Now covered, they are advocates for the Affordable Care Act.
"We know that people are not going to enroll in the marketplace if they don't know how," said Caitlin Metzguer, with Get Covered America.
Earlier, they heard elected representatives and other supporters push Affordable Care Act enrollment ahead of the March 31 deadline.
"You must tell people that if they cannot afford health insurance and they fit within the guidelines, there is assistance that is provided," said Rep. G.K. Butterfield.
Ola Dixon has heard the ads run by ObamaCare opponents saying it does not work.
"I was hoping it would work, because I like my president. But for me, it's not. Not now," said Dixon.
Dixon says her income is too low to qualify her for the Affordable Care Act.
However, advocates say so far, in Durham alone, "160,000, 90% of North Carolina, have financial assistance to help pay for that health care."
Therefore, after hearing that several million more need to sign up, supporters keep asking strangers if they are covered.
Supporters are also going to places where people gather, like a food truck rodeo in Durham, trying to make sure everybody has insurance or is at least aware of the opportunities presented by the Affordable Care Act.
For now, Dixon gets her care at Lincoln Community Health Center, where supporters have another Obamacare sign up event scheduled next Saturday.
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