They say a driver angry apparently about a near miss while merging threatened them with a gun. It happened near Glenwood Square and Glen Lennox Shopping Centers in Chapel Hill.
Jeremy and Chelsey Wininger's toddler and two other children were loaded in the car when an angry driver turned their routine road trip to school into anything but normal.
"He looked like he was going to get out of the car, and he didn't," said Chelsey Wininger. "He slammed the gun on the dash -- obvious for us to see."
"Yea, to see that he had a weapon," said Jeremy Wininger.
The couple had just merged onto Raleigh Road in Chapel Hill. They exchanged a few honks with that frustrated driver who pulled in front of them.
"He slammed on the brakes in front of us," said Jeremy. "We almost hit him."
The road rage ensued until they got to a traffic light in a school zone and the angry driver brandished his weapon on the dashboard.
Making note of his license plate number, they kept their distance and called Chapel Hill police.
"They said there's nothing they could do," said Chelsey, "but to me that shouldn't be the case. That shouldn't happen."
"Usually our response is to come to the area, check the area. See if we can locate a vehicle matching that description," said Joshua Mecimore with the Chapel Hill Police Department. "If we don't, there's usually not going to be a whole lot more we can do."
After speaking to ABC11, the Winingers say police promised to track down the driver and at the very least issue him a warning.
"It does upset me that my three kids were in the car," said Chelsey.
Police say while the angry driver's gun was intimidating, it wasn't necessarily criminal. It's a cautionary tale for the Winingers and all drivers.
"I think in this situation they did probably exactly what they should have -- end the confrontation," said Mecimore. " Go separate ways from the person."
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