How to help your children cope with COVID-19 school year disappointment

Monday, August 17, 2020
How to help your children cope with COVID-19 school year
How to help your children cope with COVID-19 school year

RALEIGH (WTVD) -- Parents, no doubt your child is dealing with a lot of disappointment with COVID-19.

From missing summer camps to now missing friends on their first day of class, it's important that you talk with your kids about disappointment so they can better cope, a local mental health professional says.

Dr. Mitch Prinstein is a professor at UNC-Chapel Hill.

"It's important to acknowledge that kids have every reason to feel disappointed but you really help them focus on the idea that this is not going to be permanent."

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Dr. Prinstein offers a few suggestions on where to start the conversation about disappointment with your child:

  • This time isn't forever. It's important to remind your child that this stage of life will not last forever.
  • Practice Patience. Have your child reflect on a time they have had to practice patients before- like waiting for a birthday party.