11 Back-to-School Lunch Hacks

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

With school back in session, get your kids out the door quickly with these tips:

1. Freeze PB&J Sandwiches

Perfect for the mom (or dad!) on the go! Spend a few minutes on the weekend making this pleasing kid favorite. Money Saving Mom blog says that the sandwiches should be zipped up in an airtight bag. Toss in the freezer; the sandwiches should last for a little while in the freezer. By lunch, sandwiches should be good to go!

2. Freeze leftover rice

Momables.com says that individual rice servings can last up to 30 days ... Read about suggested serving sizes here:

3.Brown Apples NO-MORE!

Do your kids love apples, but hate when the insides turn brown? There's a hack for that. Surran wrap will also do. Consider adding caramel to the center for an extra delicious touch!

4. Preslice oranges

Prepping beforehand is really the name of the lunch-hack game. Slice up oranges the night before and put in a plastic bag. An easy sweet addition to any lunch.

5. Use drinks as ice packs

I know for a fact, ice packs are often the forgotten essential of lunch boxes. They are used, they are abused, they stay in lunch bags for days on end.. (only me? oh.. okay)

Plus, who has room for bulky ice packs? Not your kids! Freeze a water bottle or drink of choice the night before, toss in the day of and go! Room saved. De-iced ice pack crisis averted.

6.Homemade Lunchables

Does your kid love to assemble their own pizza at lunch? But you hate the cost, and ingredients in some prepackaged lunch kits ... this one's for you!


Keep a variety of grab-and-go items organized in the fridge. If you're busy in the mornings, kids can pack their lunch! Just make sure rules are clear on how many of what items can be packed (Though kids may love a lunch of only chips, moms and dads may disagree). The blog Thirty Handmade Days says snack sized Ziploc bags are friends! See some of their recommended items to keep.

8.Boil Eggs

Eggs are simple, and a great protein addition to any lunch! Boil early in the week for the fridge, pack daily!

9.Thermos are your friend!

Does your kid love soup? Or chicken nuggets? Is there a microwave accessible at school? Are your answers yes, yes, and no? The solution? Thermos! Heat up those lunch items in the morning? IDontHaveTimeforThat suggests keeping paper towels in the bottom of thermos for chicken nuggets to absorb any moisture after heating up the morning. Soup will stay warm until lunchtime!

10. Make a weekly lunch list.

Jot down a few items your kids like and stick that list to the fridge. Passion for Savings blogger Heather Schisler suggests having anywhere from 12-15 ideas. "It helps me stay focused, and I can make sure I grab anything I need at the store, so I'm not panicking last minute."

11.A Note that says "I Care."

Gina, the gal behind East Coast Mommy, says "I love to leave little notes in my boys' lunches because it lets them know that I am thinking about them while they are at school."

Visit her blog for lunch box notes.

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