Jury awards Hulk Hogan $115M in Gawker sex tape lawsuit

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Saturday, March 19, 2016
Terry Bollea, known as professional wrestler Hulk Hogan, watches potential jurors at the Pinellas County Courthouse.
In this Tuesday, March 1, 2016 photo, Terry Bollea, known as professional wrestler Hulk Hogan, watches potential jurors at the Pinellas County Courthouse.
Scott Keeler/The Tampa Bay Times via AP, Pool-AP

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- A jury has sided with ex-pro wrestler Hulk Hogan and awarded him $115 million in his sex tape lawsuit against Gawker Media.

The jurors reached the decision Friday evening, less than six hours after they began deliberations. The trial lasted two weeks.

Hogan, whose given name is Terry Bollea, sued Gawker for $100 million for posting a video in 2012 of him having sex with his former best friend's wife. Hogan contended it was a violation of his privacy.

Gawker's editors contended the video and an accompanying post was a newsworthy commentary on the ordinariness of celebrity sex videos.