Officials: Damage from Florence in North Carolina at $17B

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Thursday, November 1, 2018
Damage from Florence in North Carolina at $17B
State officials now say the damage in NC a from Hurricane Florence has approached $17 billion, an increase from a previous estimate.

RALEIGH, N.C. -- State officials now say the damage in North Carolina from Hurricane Florence has approached $17 billion, an increase from a previous estimate.

The Office of State Budget and Management said in a news release the new figure, updated from $13 billion, is based on new data from the N.C. Department of Insurance.

A news release from Gov. Roy Cooper's office said, compared to previous storms in North Carolina, damage from Florence is historic. Hurricane Matthew caused $4.8 billion in damages, and when adjusted for inflation, Hurricane Floyd caused between $7 and $9.4 billion in damages. That means Florence has caused more damage than Matthew and Floyd combined.

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SKY7 was over the snow in the foothills between Mt. Hamilton and Livermore, Calif. on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019.

Officials say the damage estimate for Florence may continue to change.

The original $13 billion figure was based on estimates and projections.