Students turned away from Pinecrest High School prom because of their dresses

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Pinecrest High School student who was turned away from prom because she wore a dress the school said was inappropriate.
Pinecrest High School student who was turned away from prom because she wore a dress the school said was inappropriate.

SOUTHERN PINES, N.C. (WTVD) -- It's prom season, and that means a lot of excitement, and a lot of money being spent on that "night to remember."

However, what some girls in Moore County will remember is being turned away because of their dresses.

"We try to hold our kids to a high moral fiber and when I've approved a dress for her to wear and it is called into judgment by someone really offends me," said one Moore county mom, whose 16-year-old daughter was turned away from the Pinecrest High School prom because the teen wore a dress the school said was inappropriate.

"This lady stopped me and was like 'ah your sides are showing, your dress is unacceptable'...and I said 'ah but you can't even see it from the front' and she was like 'well you can't come in, I'm sorry,'" said one Pinecrest student. "Other people were wearing worse stuff than I was and they got through the doors. They were really inconsistent with their judging of the dresses."

The Thompson's are not the only ones angry. The Gomez family is also upset about the dress controversy.

"I can wear these shorts to school...this is dress code and they're mid-thigh...but the dress for prom was here," said junior Julia, who was also stopped at the door because her turquoise dress was deemed inappropriate.

"She called and she said that they said her dress was too short and she couldn't get in, and I thought there's no way," said mom Sarah Gomez.

Gomez said she followed the dress code policy and even measured and followed along with the schools 16-page power point presentation. However, the principal says they were enforcing a dress code already in place.

"Dress codes at proms and at dances aren't unique...the reason why we were so detailed was because there were some concerns that were brought to my attention," said Dr. Thomas Ferrell, Pinecrest High School Principal. ;"We sympathize with all parents and students who were turned away...we apologize but we were extremely consistent and tried to be as consistent as we could be."

Yet, the dozens of teens who dressed up, and got stood up for their prom at the door, do not agree.

The principal said the school is willing to refund the ticket money spent on the prom, and he is happy to meet with parents who are still unhappy.

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