Woman spends 4 years making Starburst candy wrapper dress, inspired by husband

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Saturday, May 20, 2017
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Woman spends 4 years making Starburst candy wrapper dress, inspired by husband It took Emily Seilhamer 4 years and 10,000 Starburst wrappers to make the dress.
Credit: Emily Seilhamer

ELIZABETHTOWN, Pennsylvania (WTVD) -- Emily Seilhamer is an artist based in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, who spent four years making a dress out of Starburst candy wrappers to commemorate the love that she and her husband share.

This tedious task included collecting over 10,000 candy wrappers, organizing the colors, and ironing each wrapper flat before folding it.

She folded over 10,000 wrappers.

After each piece was folded, Seilhamer would sew them together with elastic thread.

She would sew chains together with elastic thread

Seilhamer wrote in an article that she was inspired by her husband to embark upon the project, saying when the couple first met he offered her a Starburst candy.

She posted her creation to Facebook saying, "My husband and I met when he offered me a pack of Starburst a few years before the project started, she wrote. "As his favorite candy, he began to save grocery bags full of wrappers for me. The dress had a nice spot next to the gift table at our wedding almost 2 years ago!"

Seilhamer completed her look with matching shoes and a corsage.

Credit: Emily Seilhamer/Facebook

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