Fifi's Restaurant celebrates 30 years in Toledo

TOLEDO, OH In 1980, Toledo got its first taste of the elegant Fifi Berry style when the single mother brought her brand of sophisticated dining to the Glass City. Berry says, "I enjoyed cooking a lot and entertaining a lot. I was fortunate enough to travel a lot and eat in many wonderful restaurants."

Berry knew how to cook and knew about style, but the restaurant business she learned by doing and one early diner's prediction. "He looked out in the dining room and he said 'This is really a pretty place. Too bad it won't be here in 6 months'."

It fueled her determination to succeed.

Berry says getting involved in the Toledo Restaurant Association early on helped her restaurant survive while others went out of business.

From the beginning, Berry wanted to be open late like restaurants in the Big Apple-- "especially after the theater or the symphony or whatever."

She brought in jazz musicians and treated each guest as if they were in her own home. "I think it starts with greeting customers at the door and seating them. That's been a real asset for the restaurant. I never thought people would really appreciate that."

But they have and the 30-day celebration began on September 30. Berry says, "I've been such a part of so many lives and they of mine,the birthdays the anniversaries, and the engagements."

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