Family honors son by donating to others


The Helping Hand Mission in Raleigh and Toys for Tots are the recipients of the early Christmas donations. The act of kindness comes from the family of Chris Groom, a 19-year-old killed in a car accident in 2003.

Before he died, Groom had secretly donated $100 to his church to buy toys for less fortunate families. Now his family upholds this tradition in memory of him.

 "We're very proud that he did that and we wanted to do something to honor what he started," Chris' father Mike Groom said.

Chris' family and friends went on a shopping spree at Target Friday night and loaded the truck with toys for children of all ages -- infants to teens.

Saturday the army of volunteers delivered the gifts to the charities for them to give to those in need this holiday season.

"Just being able to provide for them, and give them some toys and gifts has been amazing," Sylvia Wiggins of the Helping Hand Mission said.

Throughout the year the Grooms raise money by hosting a golf tournament and participating in a marathon. For more information on the Chris Groom Memorial Fund, visit

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