But that hasn't stopped the story from continuing to make international headlines.
ABC11 also obtained copies of an email chain that alludes to a rumor that a prominent Democratic Party official was at the center of harassment allegations
We asked North Carolina Democratic Party Chairman David Parker about it after a speech to the Durham County Democratic Party Convention Saturday.
"We issued a statement. The statement was that several of our employees have left over the last couple of months - on mutually agreeable terms - and I can't say anything further about a personnel matter. And I will not," said Parker.
"I cannot and will not comment on this case. Employment discrimination or harassment in the workplace or the work site is something Democrats are very concerned about, and rightfully so," he continued.
In a question and answer with ABC11's Mat Mendez, Parker said the Democratic Party stands behind anti-harassment laws.
MENDEZ: "So you will not confirm or deny allegations of sexual harassment within the party?"
PARKER: "On this particular case, I stand by my statement as previously issued."
MENDEZ: "When you call it a case though?"
PARKER: "In this particular circumstance. Case is a term of art. Don't put words in my mouth."
While Parker declined to comment further, the emails obtained by ABC11 mention rumors of a financial settlement that allegedly was reached between an unnamed former staffer and a top party official which allegedly included a non-disclosure agreement.
Other prominent democrats contacted by ABC11 called the allegations troubling and told us they'd like to see further investigation.
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