Wake County healthcare company offering free antibody tests to healthcare workers, first responders

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Wake County healthcare company offering free antibody tests to healthcare workers, first responders
Wake County healthcare company offering free antibody tests to healthcare workers, first responders

RALEIGH (WTVD) -- A Wake County healthcare company is offering free COVID-19 antibody tests to frontline healthcare workers and first responders Tuesday.

Halo Health is setting up a drive-thru testing operation in Raleigh's Cameron Village. They will be done in an empty parking lot across from 702 Oberlin Road.

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The company is a Raleigh-based mobile physician practice that offers house calls.

"I think we're doing a great job in North Carolina. I think social distancing correctly and early on and it has really stemmed the explosion of the disease here," said UNC Lenior ER Physician Dr. Dan Minior (Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder, Halo Health Mobile).

Halo Health said it wanted to help all healthcare professionals who are putting their lives on the line to take care of people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frontline workers who want to get a free test Tuesday need to sign up first on the Halo Health website.

Antibody testing can help determine who already has been infected and might have immunity to the coronavirus.

The blood test involves a finger prick and results are available in ten minutes.

"We're trying to give back to the community, to the people who've been on the front lines taking care of all our sick patients. We're trying to let them get some answers as to whether or not they have had COVID-19 and hopefully this will help set their mind at ease," said Minior. "I think your body is going to have immunity going forward so hopefully if you are taking care of patients, you can do it without worry that you're going to get the disease or get sicker from it. In some instances it will help people get back to work sooner as well."

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