State and Sandhills road crews ready for another winter storm
Maintenance crews in the Sandhills are preparing for the winter weather expected to hit the area on Wednesday and Thursday. The weather is expected to be a wintry mix--a little bit of everything.
Officials at Cumberland County--the state's Department of Transportation--and the city of Fayetteville say their current preparations for the upcoming winter blast are similar to their preps for the last big storm that came through the area. But this time, they're specifically warning people to be prepared for power outages.
On the roads, NCDOT says preparations started Monday with spraying brine. The maintenance engineer for Cumberland County says his entire staff--almost 50 people--have been working and will be salting roads all day and night on Wednesday.

"We're at about 115,000 gallons of brine so far," said Jason Dunigan, the Cumberland County Maintenance engineer for NCDOT. We'll transition to putting spreaders in taking tanks out and go from there."
The city of Fayetteville says its workers have also started out spraying about 2,000 gallons of brine. Craig Allen, the streets division manager suggests drivers should take special care when manuevering certin parts of the city.
"Bridges will freeze prior before roadways. Well, so you need to take extra precaution on those bridges...especially those that have that are shaded or overcast, hit by trees or any other type of foliage, because those are less likely to melt than other areas."