New data shows rise in violent crime across the country, including in Raleigh

Saturday, November 5, 2022
Violent crime up across the country including in Raleigh
New numbers released Friday show violent crime is on the rise in Raleigh.

RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- New numbers released Friday show violent crime is on the rise in Raleigh.

"If you don't like what you're seeing, do something about it," said Connor Hannah.

The father of two would know. He's an ex-gang member who just served two years and is trying to make the streets of Raleigh safer.

"I know how to relate to them," said Hannah, who is trying to start a non-profit to reach out to teens to prevent them joining gangs. "To uplift them and motivate them."

The data comes from the Major Cities Chiefs Association.

Seventy agencies from Dallas to Houston to Raleigh responded and overall violent crime is up.

Homicides are actually down 4 percent compared to the same time period last year, but they are 44% higher than what the organization saw in 2019.

"Without question, the numbers are completely unacceptable," said Laura Cooper, executive director of the association. "The number of victims, families and communities impacted is unacceptable. We also must not forget the amount of violence directed toward law enforcement."

Homicides are at 34 versus 27 this time last year. Aggravated Assaults are at 851 at this point in 2022 versus 783 this time last year.

"It's the homicides we want to focus on to really prevent those," said Chief Stella Patterson, who responded to the report in a YouTube video Friday. "We're seeing more instances of young people and those under 18 having access to firearms."

Chief Patterson said the number of homicides is up and that's problematic.

She talked about a number of different solutions including intelligence-led policing and engaging and partnering with the community.

African American men represent 11% of the state's population but 60% of the state's homicide numbers.

Raleigh-Apex NAACP President Gerald Givens is working on a group of violence interrupters. He has partnered with Wake Med and UNC Rex to also provide therapy sessions for the. community.

Givens says the family of Xzavion Lawton reached out to them this week for resources and guidance

"Because it's happening every day, almost everywhere in the country, we're becoming numb to it and it's becoming a normal life of the American way of life," Givens said.

"This has to be an issue that's on the forefront of our organization."

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