Officers responded to a break-in in progress call in the 500 block of Holloway Street at 5:54 p.m. on Saturday. Officers were told that the persons inside the house were armed with guns.
When officers arrived, they found two males in a Ford Taurus parked behind the house. A third male, who was armed with a gun, came out of the house and dropped the gun when ordered to do so by officers.
The males in the Taurus then attempted to leave. The Taurus struck one officer in the leg and then, according to initial reports, the driver drove toward a second officer in a driveway. Officers fired shots at the vehicle, but the driver fled down Holloway Street to Morgan Street.
The Taurus struck an Isuzu SUV near Mangum Street, causing it to flip over and collide with a Honda Accord. Two people in the SUV were treated at the hospital, but their injuries do not appear to be life-threatening.
The driver of the Taurus Raul Riva Aldamo, 34, of Greensboro, was pronouced dead at the scene. Preliminary reports indicate that the cause of death was a gunshot wound.
A passenger jumped from the vehicle and ran, but was apprehended a short distance away. He was taken to Duke University Hospital for treatment and later released.
Investigators charged Alonzo Olmeda Castillo and Luis Campo with first-degree burglary, kidnapping and attempted robbery with a dangerous weapon. Castillo was arrested at the house on Holloway Street and Campo was the passenger in the vehicle.
On Monday, both men faced a judge and family members say they understand why police opened fire.
"We went to Duke Hospital and they said two of the victims were shot. And we found out that it was my Uncle. One of them," suspect's niece, Tonanci Perez said.
Police say they shot at the car after it drove toward them. The suspect's family says they do not blame the police department.
"If they had to do it. I mean we're upset cause he got hurt. But they had to do what they had to do," Perez said.
Both men are now being held on $250,000 bond. The case is being investigated by the State Bureau of Investigation and the Police Department's Professional Standards Division, which is standard procedure.
Two officers -- D.F. Rosser and J. Sandoval Jr. -- are on administrative duty in accordance with departmental general orders.