The shooting happened Sunday night around 10 p.m. as the victim, Sylvester Jones, was making a delivery at a house in the 2500-block of Carriage Road.
Police say a man holding a gun approached Jones, 47, as he stepped out of his car. The pair struggled and the gun went off hitting Jones in the mouth.
"He said he got out the car, knocked on the door, didn't nobody come to the door. Then the guy rushed him, he tussled with him and said the gun went off and shot him in the mouth and went into his tongue," Jones' nephew, Allen Ross said.
Ross says after Jones was shot he continued to scuffle with the suspect in front of the house. It is where police say they found money and a gun.
The victim's niece believes the attempted robbery was a setup.
"The house that he went to, wasn't nobody home and somebody just ran out the car and rushed him and put a gun in his face," Kimberly Ross said.
Jones managed to get into his car and drive himself back to the restaurant. He was rushed to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center where he's in fair condition.
The suspect got away.
"He don't like nobody to take anything from him. But I do not want him, I don't want him to put his life in jeopardy over pennies," Jones' fiancé, Valerie Love said.