Since the untimely, unexpected and sudden death of 60-year-old /*Nancy Leidy*/, her husband seems to be holding up well.
"I miss my wife, though," /*Ross Leidy*/ said. "I miss my honey."
Leidy wants people to remember his wife not as the woman who tragically died in a bike crash but as the outgoing and loving person she was.
"My wife was a vibrant, caring, very giving person," Leidy said. " She'd, she'd give you the shirt off her back. Anybody will tell you that."
He says his wife loved to travel. Especially in the years since he retired from teaching at N.C. State.
She also loved running but developed shin splints, so she recently became an avid cyclist.
"We talked about this course yesterday morning because to me it was the safest course she could be in," Leidy said.
Nancy drove to the course, unloaded her bike and had to navigate only two streets before hitting a dedicated path.
However, when she got close to the second street, she crossed paths with /*Brian Reid*/, according to police.
She was rushed to the hospital dying. Reid was given a sobriety test and it was determined that he was drunk -- on his 21st birthday.
"I hurt for this kid," Leidy said. "I honestly do, and his parents and everybody else."
Reid, a /*NCSU*/ student, was charged with felony death by vehicle i and failing to reduce speed.
But there's a worse punishment that what Reid may get in a court, according to Leidy.
"It's something I know he'll never get over," Leidy said. "I mean, how can you have hatred for a young man who was at the wrong place at the wrong time just like my wife was?"
The Leidys were just a week away from celebrating their 37th anniversary.
Reid is scheduled to go before a judge Friday.