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Sergeant Jeff Frawley's father is outraged.
Sgt. Frawley's /*82nd Airborne Division*/ paratrooper unit recently returned from 15-months of combat duty in Afghanistan. His father says his son's barrack's are falling apart.
"The second floor toilets have over flowed and there is over three inches of water on the floor I don't need to tell you what the brown water around the floor drain is," Frawley's father explains in the video.
The soldier's father posted pictures on You Tube that show peeling paint, mold and broken toilet seats in bathrooms. There are pipes stuffed with paper to prevent gases from seeping in.
The command says the unit returned home a month earlier than expected - not giving Bragg enough time to repair the problems.
"They had about a 72-hour notice before we actually walked into the door here." Capt. Jason Davis, company commander, said. "Because of that problems that they had identified and they were working through had not been solved before we got home."
In a statement released Monday, Fort Bragg spokesman, Major Tom Earnhardt acknowledged the problems in the barracks. "Fundamentally, we acknowledge these conditions are not adequate by today's standards," Earnhardt said. "The images in Mr. Frawley's video are alarming, and our soldiers deserve the best conditions we can provide as an institution."
Right now members of the 2nd of the 508th are living in barracks just like that, but give it about a year's time and all those soldiers will be living in brand new barracks -- just like the other new ones at /*Fort Bragg*/.
"It will be a one-plus-one standard which basically means you have two soldiers with separate rooms, and they share a common living area," Colonel David Fox, Garrison commander, said. "So the Army understands."
"I hope after watching this short video and seeing the pictures that I took of the barracks these men are expected to live in you will make some phone calls," Frawley dad said.
Frawley has already captured the attention of commanders who say they've been working to fix the problems before the video was posted on You Tube.
So far the video has had a little over 1,000 hits.
/*Sen. Elizabeth Dole*/ says she contacted the Secretary of the Army about the video.
The /*North Carolina*/ senator said Friday that military officials told her the issue would be looked into immediately.
A division spokesman said the barracks are 40-years-old and in the process of being replaced.
The Army hosted a tour of the barracks Friday for the news media after the video was posted.