"The man who can unite this country is my husband," Michelle Obama said as her husband's supporters erupted in a round of applause.
"American people are hungry for change and it knows no race and no gender." Obama said. No one in crowd needed convincing Obama is the candidate of choice.
With some of his staunchest supporters admitting Obama's campaign has been an uphill battle, Michelle Obama referred to her husband as the underdog. She reminds voters their campaign has survived longer than most expected. "Barack has been beating the odds. Every day, every week and just giving us a different kind of hope - that politics can be different. That you don't have to wallow in the mud."
Mrs. Obama says the fight for votes and super delegates will continue long after North Carolina's Primary on May 6th. She spoke candidly about the economy and working class struggles, telling voters now is the time for change. "It is not about Barack or Hillary or McCain. It is about our future," she said as the crowd applauded. "We're not where we need to be."
Michelle Obama says her husband's image has been distorted throughout the campaign. She urged North Carolina voters to prove they're not to be swayed as they head to the polls next Tuesday.