A special recognition at the state capital will be held Monday for all those who have given their lives in service to our country.
The Tar Heel detachment of the Marine Corps league will sponsor a Memorial Day ceremony on the grounds of the capital.
The event will start at 11 a.m. Monday with patriotic music by a brass band and a wreath-laying ceremony to honor fallen heroes.
Retired Brigadier General George H. Walls Jr., a decorated Vietnam veteran will give the memorial address.
The ceremony will conclude at noon with a 21 gun salute.
Also in Raleigh, residents of The Heritage of Raleigh honor veterans and deceased veterans and their spouses with a Memorial Day program at 10:30 a.m. Veterans from World War II and conflicts in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan will be represented.
The eighth annual Memorial Day event Glory Days will be at Festival Park.
There will be activities throughout the day with favorites such as the state championship criterium bike race and the antique car show, as well as ceremonies at Festival Park honoring both those who serve and served in the military.
At the center of the day's activities is the Field of Honor, which is set up at Festival Park and at the Airborne & Special Operations Museum near the 9-11 memorial.
Also on Monday, the US Army Special Forces Command will hold a ceremony at Fort Bragg to honor its 22 soldiers lost last year in Iraq and Afghanistan.
They are holding the event at the Army Special Operations Forces Plaza.
Cary: A Memorial Day service with American Legion Cary Post 67 will kick off at 10 a.m. Monday at the Hillcrest Cemetery in Cary. An open house at the Post will follow the ceremony.
Chapel Hill:
Veterans of Foreign Wars and Legion members will host a combined commemoration of Memorial Day at the American Legion Post 6.
All-day open house will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with police and fire department displays and demonstrations, live music, exhibits, and veterans sharing experiences and memories in discussion groups. Ceremonies and speakers start at 11 a.m.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10225 will hold a memorial service at Montlawn Memorial Park, 11:30 a.m. Monday.
After the program, the Post invites attendees to visit with veterans at Lawndale Manor Retirement Home.
Carrboro: The Orange County Peace Coalition invites the community to a program including Joe Cole, professor of ethics and philosophy, Guilford College; singer Mary Moffit; the Raging Grannies; and readings, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Carrboro Town Commons, West Main and Laurel streets.
Veterans from all branches of the service will gather in Lillington Monday for the annual county Memorial Day observance.
The annual ceremony at the Harnett County Veterans Park beside the courthouse will get under way at 9 a.m. with the ceremonial lowering of the flag to half staff.
Following the event there will be refreshments in the Harnett County Governmental Complex Commons area. The entire event, including refreshments, is open to the public.
Rocky Mount:
The Joint Veterans Committee will hold a ceremony at 2 p.m. Monday at the Veterans Memorial at Jack Laughery Park on North Church Street.
The event will include a flag ceremony, 21 gun salute, Flanders Field ceremony and echo taps - a variation of taps played by two buglers that creates an echo effect.
An American Legion memorial service also will take place at 11 a.m. Monday at Gardens of Gethsemane cemetery at 3020 Raleigh St.
Wake Forest: There will be a commemoration at 11 a.m. Monday at the Wake Forest Veterans Memorial on the grounds of the Heritage Golf Club.