Job cuts to affect N&O operations?

RALEIGH The McClatchy Company the parent company of the N&O is cutting more jobs nationwide.

The company is struggling in the midst of an advertising slump as readership shifts toward the internet.

Back in June the company nationwide eliminated 1,400 full time positions.

The News and Observer cut its workforce by 8 percent and the size of the daily newspaper in half. Now more changes are on the way.

The News and Observer's parent company announced its second major round of job cuts in three months --their august revenue down 17 percent-- they blame sluggish advertising sales.

Companywide the 1,100 staff reductions are expected to come through voluntary buyouts --the rest through layoffs.

Staff cuts are already underway in some places-- the N&O reported Tuesday that they "expect" to eliminate as many as 70 full time jobs --9-percent of their workforce.

Buyouts were offered to more than 300 N&O employees, the deadline to decide was today. Layoffs will begin Monday.

And it appears the daily paper will shrink even more. In June, the paper merged the business section with the city and state section.

By next month the N&O plans to combine a travel and weekend section and it'll eliminate it's Sunday opinion and editorial section altogether.

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