Teen hit by car in front of school

Teen hit by car in front of school
CARY The teenage girl who was hit at a cross-walk was not seriously hurt, which really surprised some students who saw the crash.

The street outside Cary High School has been scrutinized and improved in the past, because another student was hit near there five years ago.

The collision happened around 10:45 a.m. Police say 16-year-old Cary High School student, Heather Bowden, was inside the crosswalk as she crossed Walnut Street.

"She flipped and her stuff flew everywhere and you could hear the screeching and stuff," Cary High School junior Sierra Morris said.

"She got hit, she rolled over the car and she got up," Cary High School junior Jamar Coston said. "That was the crazy thing about it. She was holding her ribs. And she sat down and curled over."

Students who saw the collision said the crash was dramatic, but Cary High School Principal Doug Thilman said Bowden was not seriously hurt.

"She was alert, conscious the entire time and spoke with me and knew who I was," Bowden said.

Still, town of Cary officials say the accident may trigger them to look closer at street safety.

Five years ago, a 17-year-old Cary senior was seriously hurt when a car hit her at an intersection half a block away.

The collision led to big pedestrian improvements, slower speed limits, a cross-walk, a median and fencing to prevent jay-walking.

The principal said the upgrades have usually worked.

"For the most part, our students pay attention. For the most part the drivers pay attention to the speed and pay attention to the crosswalk," Thilman said.

Now some students wonder if they need more, perhaps even a traffic signal for pedestrians.

"They could put a light up or something. They should," Coston said.

Cary Police have not yet charged the 24-year-old driver. They are still investigating. A decision on charges will come from the district attorney.

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