Burr tells /*Eyewitness News*/ that the mood of the /*McCain*/ campaign on /*Election Day*/ is great. He has helped spread McCain's message across the country and has helped with strategic decisions.
When asked whether he'd take credit or blame for election results, he said, "I'd talk all the blame and none of the credit. The reality is that John McCain deserves a hundred percent of the credit and none of the blame," Burr said. "I think that he has done a remarkable job more than once of resuscitating a campaign that someone had to write the obituary on because the american people never gave up on him."
We asked why McCain is giving his speech on the lawn of the Arizona Biltmore in front of a few instead of the ballroom in front of thousands. Senator Burss said McCain is not full of pomp and circumstance, "he's not flashy."
Burr says it shows McCain's conservative ways vs. Obama's grand party in Chicago a sort of "rock star" celebration and attitude that republicans have been critical of.
Here is more of Eyewitness News Reporter Shae Crisson's interview with Republican Senator Richard Burr
Shae Crisson
"Election day is finally here. Describe the mood of the campaign?"
Sen. Richard Burr(R) North Carolina
"Remarkably the mood is great. John McCain is a fascinating candidate and individual. As the polls have tightened over the last 72 hours, that's the type of thing John McCain thrives on and most candidates like to be in that position."
Shae Crisson
"Ever since the Republican National Convention you've been pretty much a right hand man for John McCain. Describe your role."
Sen. Richard Burr(R) North Carolina
Shae Crisson
Senator Burr
Shae Crisson
Senator Burr
Shae Crisson
Senator Burr
Shae Crisson
Senator Burr
Shae Crisson
Senator Burr
Shae Crisson
Senator Burr
Shae Crisson
Senator Burr
Shae Crisson
Senator Burr
"I've been a surrogate for the McCain campaign a
"What is that like, to see that first hand?"
"It's a remarkable opportunity but it's also an insight into the American people. One, what energizes them, what forces them to engage, what are the issues that distinguish their support of John vs. Barack Obama. I think clearly this is going to be a close election, most predicted that early on it's not going to be the runaway that some still predict today as we go into the elections but there's one thing American people can be confident of. Of the large voter turnout we have a much better chance of electing the person most qualified to be commander in chief and when this night is over. America will step in the lines supporting that individual for the next four years before we go through this process again."
"Knowing you've played such a critical role will you take some of the credit or some of the blame depending on how this turns out?"
"I'd be happy to take all the blame and none of the credit. The reality is that John McCain deserves a hundred percent of the credit and none of the blame. I think that he has done a remarkable job more than once of resuscitating a campaign that someone had to write the obituary on because the American people never gave up on him. I think that it's important for a candidate to remember that at the end of the day it's voters that decide the outcome of the election, not pollsters, not media outlets, but that right that we have as individuals and if we really do commit to work for candidates and to vote on election day it has a great impact on the outcome."
"If John McCain is elected would it be the greatest come back in history."
"I think in modern history this will be the greatest by far. I don't think John McCain would look at it that way. John is an individual who hasn't changed in over 20 years of public service in Washington sometimes he was the lonely voice for reform and change some have tried to steal that from him but no one has been as consistent as he has. There's one thing the American people can be certain of, if John McCain is there, change is going to happen in Washington, change is going to happen in congress and that's one of the reasons why I'm involved we want to see the process in Washington change so that it works for the American people instead of the stalemate that we have today."
"Elizabeth Dole has been running pretty fierce attack ads against Kay Hagan do you think that hurts Dole and could hurt McCain?"
"Clearly Elizabeth Dole is in closer race than she would like and that I would like to see her in. Every candidate is susceptible to campaign ad that backfires, this one happens to be a hundred percent truthful and that's never been questioned. But I think at the end of the day when you run in a presidential cycle you're susceptible to being on the president's coattails or suffocated by the top of the ticket. I'm not sure her performance will effect John McCain's as John McCain's could effect the down ballot races in North Carolina whether that's Senator Dole or Mayor Pat McCrory."
"Why not deliver his speech in the ballroom of the Biltmore in front of a larger crowd."
"I think John McCain is exactly what most peole around the country have learned over this election cycle. He's not full of pomp and circumstance, he's not flashy. He is somebody that connects with people in a personal way instead of a political way. And the fascinating thing is that he was a partner who connects with people the same way, so it's a much smaller event than what Barack Obama is looking at but it's one that defines John McCain. I think it's important that people realize that that definition is not going to change no matter the title in front of his name, it's the same John McCain that spent 5-and-a-half years in a war camp in Viet Nam."
"Who will be attending tonight?"
"I think what we expect is a lot of people with a lot of time, money invested in the McCain campaign, people that have stuck with it for 2-3 years. who've waited for this day to come."
"You still don't have an interest in being a part of his cabinet?"
"None. None. This is as close to presidential politics as I want to get. I look forward to the senate and what we can accompish over next 4 years."
"Do you one day see yourself wanting to get on the Republican ticket?"
"I've been close enough this time."