Fayetteville Police have not given up their search for the missing 63-year-old woman, but say the trail is growing cold.
Officials are making a desperate plea for the public's help. They say they have run out of leads and have no idea where Blue is.
Her husband meanwhile, says he's not giving up hope that she will be found.
"I miss her a whole lot, I miss her so much," Moses Blue said.
There are no Christmas decorations in their home this year --just an old family picture on the wall and memories of Christmas past.
"I won't have a Christmas tree at all," Moses Blue said. "I don't feel good. When she was present, we both were together around the Christmas tree enjoying ourselves."
Theresa Blue has dementia and wandered away from home on Nov. 7.
That same day, Fayetteville State University officials took a picture of Blue after she showed up at a cafeteria asking for food. They took her to the Salvation Army shelter, but she walked off before workers could check her in.
The next day Blue was reportedly seen around the suburban mart on Murchinson Road.
Several extensive police searches have turned up no trace of the missing woman.
"Yeah we need the public's help," Fayetteville Police Sgt. John Somerindyke said. "Anybody who has seen her or thinks they've seen her, call 911 immediately we need help to get her back."
Moses Blue says his faith in God and his church help keep him going.
His hope and prayer this Christmas, is that his wife comes home soon.
"I pray every day to bring her back and I say to the Lord, 'you bring her back and we can rejoice in happiness'," he said.
Fayetteville Police say they are still optimistic Theresa Blue is still alive, but without the public's help, there is little to go on.