Goodyear union approaching deadline

FAYETTEVILLE The employees' union contract expires on Saturday.

Please note that there were previous reports that the plant was shutting down tomorrow and those reports were erroneous. The plant will be open and will maintain normal operations.

Its contract with the workers' union was scheduled to expire last month, but, both sides extended it while they worked out a deal. However, that may not happen again.

The company employs about 2,800 union workers at the plant and turns out more than 30,000 tires a day.

Tuesday, plant employees met to talk about what will happen if both sides did not reach a new deal.

"My feeling is that if they don't get a contract signed within 72 hours, we have no choice but to strike," Union President Mike Price said.

A potential work stoppage would not be the plant's first. Three years ago, workers went on strike for three months.

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