Robbery has Duke rethinking strategy

DURHAM According to a campus crime alert, a female student was walking alone near the East Campus Steam Plant when a gunman stole her bag.

Investigators said the gunman was driving a dark-colored vehicle when he stopped and showed her a gun. Then he sped off on Campus Drive. The student was unharmed. Campus police are working closely with Durham police to generate leads for a possible arrest.

Authorities don't see a link between this latest armed robbery and three others in recent months.

In July, a student was robbed a gunpoint behind the East Campus Union on Campus Drive. Three months earlier, a student was held up near the intersection of Trinity and Watts streets. In March, a gunman robbed two students at Moreene and Erwin roads.

Duke Police have said there's no evidence linking the armed robberies, but the latest case has them rethinking their strategy.

"Robberies are serious crimes. So one robbery is one too many for us," said Maj. Glora Graham with Duke University Police. "Right now, we're brainstorming on what we can do differently, where we can move some resources and how we can attack this problem. And hopefully, find those individuals who are responsible for committing these crimes."

Duke police are urging students to avoid walking alone after hours and to report any suspicious activity.

Anyone with information about the latest incident can contact the Duke University Police Department at 684-2444.

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