"It appeared on February 28th on Sunday at about 9:30 in the morning," Carolina Martinez told ABC11.
Martinez said the image appeared on the door of a spare bedroom after a friend spent the night.
"She called for me and told me that she saw the image and I told her no, that she was crazy," Martinez recalled.
But she now believes. She was so confident that she went to church to show an elder.
"I showed her my phone and she said it just looked like lines and I felt bad so I left," said Martinez. "I came home very sad because these are things of God and I would not play with something like that."
But hundreds of people apparently don't think they're just lines. The Sunday the image appeared, Martinez said something amazing happened.
"We told three neighbors and we stayed. Because with that, more than 300 people came that Sunday until about 1a.m.," said Martinez.
And they haven't stopped coming. Many believers bring candles and flowers as a tribute to one of the most sacred figures in Hispanic culture.
Martinez says the numbers have dwindled by day - with most coming at night or on the weekends.
Even with all the visitors, Martinez is hoping for one more in particular, someone from the Catholic Church. She says she's contacted them about the image but no one has been out to come and see it and that's something she really wants.
"I need to know what to do. It doesn't bother me to have it here but if they want us to make a little chapel here or in the neighborhood, we'll do it," she said.
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