- "The working families of the 2nd District need solutions, not more fear, neither the real fears of rising cost nor the false fears spread by special interests," a statement on Etheridge's website read. "We cannot continue to allow the current system to kill jobs and bust the budgets of our families and our nation. After reading the bill carefully, I have concluded that it will save lives and save money. I have listened to North Carolinians from all points of view and after prayerful consideration, I will vote 'yes' for these needed reforms. This is the best chance we have to reduce sky-rocketing health care cost for North Carolina families."
The New York Times has closely been tracking all 431 House members and had counted Etheridge as a "yes" with President Obama.
He voted "yes" back in November.
Until now, Etheridge was the only North Carolina Representative who had not said how he would vote this time.
Brad Miller of Raleigh also said Friday he will definitely vote "yes," but the Democrats are still about a dozen votes short.
On Monday, U.S. Representative David Price announced publically he would support the legislation.
Of North Carolina's eight Democrats in Congress, five of them voted for health care reform the first time.
A vote in the House of Representatives is expected Sunday.
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