Dem's who voted yes, could get a no from voters

DUNN One of the candidates hoping to take over Congressman Bob Etheridge's seat lives in Dunn, NC. The candidate is a woman and a Republican, she tells Eyewitness news that after today voters could lash out against Democrat's in the Senate race this year.

After numerous protests in the Triangle, it all came down to a vote, the bill passed late Sunday.

Numerous groups had been trying to sway an undecided Congressman Bob Etheridge to vote their way on the bill.

"I will stand strong and do everything in my power to repeal it or to work against it and dismantle it as it is right now," said Congressional Candidate Renee Ellmers.

Renee Ellmers is just one republican challenging Etheridge in the November election, which is why she says She watched Sunday's vote closely.

"I am totally against this healthcare bill that's pending right now," Ellmers said. "I believe in free market solutions to the healthcare issue and there are so many that we could be using instead of this big massive government takeover."

Ellmers and her husband are familiar with health care, she's a nurse and her husband is a surgeon.

Ellmer says Sunday's vote will have great implications not just for Etheridge but for politicians across the country.

"Regardless of how this vote goes through, if it is actually enacted and President Obama signs it, I am, I feel very strongly that the American people come November, will rise up and vote these democrats out of office," Ellmer said.

Congressman Etheridge released a statement Sunday defending his decision.

"This vote is about getting past the campaign of misinformation and distortion and fear and doing right by the people of North Carolina," Etheridge said. "I've listened to the voices from all points of view, and I'm voting yes for this plan that will save lives and save money for our families, our businesses and our nation."

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