About 100 activists gathered Tuesday at the General Assembly to urge lawmakers to approve a license plate bearing the slogan "Choose Life." About half the states in the country have them.
Profits from the sale of the plates would be used to help women who choose to give birth.
Democrats who lead the Legislature have left the measure in a committee since it was introduced early last year. Roman Catholic Bishop Peter Jurgis of Charlotte says that's an injustice.
In a statement to ABC11, Planned Parenthood said it opposes the anti-abortion plate for several reasons including:
"The revenue generated from the sale would then be funneled to non-profit, anti-choice organizations, including so-called 'crisis pregnancy centers' that promise comprehensive medical advice and services but deliver anti-choice propaganda."
"Any organization that mentions abortion as a neutral option - including counseling or referrals - is specifically prohibited from receiving any of the funds."
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