Similar scams have been reported in the past several years.
Some involve men seeking entry into homes by dressing as utility workers and claiming to work for Progress Energy. In many instances, scammers prey on elderly customers.
Once inside, the thieves distract homeowners and take valuables from the home.
Progress Energy says employees carry company badges with photographs, but warns that ID badges, vehicle signs and clothing can be fabricated to look authentic.
Residents should not open their door for utility workers unless they can confirm the person's identity.
Only in rare cases such as safety-related issues will Progress Energy show up at a customer's home unannounced to perform work.
The company's representatives do not initiate calls to customers when obtaining financial information.
Homeowners who doubt the identity of someone claiming to be a Progress Energy employee should call the Progress Energy customer service center at 1-800-452-2777 to confirm the employee's identity.
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