One section that includes Wade Ave. is so bad NCDOT contractors will have to put in extra work to complete it.
The potholes on Glenwood Ave. inside the Beltline have gotten so bad patching is no longer doing the trick. When a contractor began scraping away the asphalt to make repairs, workers found big problems underneath. They discovered trolley tracks and crumbling concrete.
The stretch of road is vital to business owners in Five Points who are hurting even worse than expected because of the delays.
"Everybody talks about it," said Ross Spain, Acquisitions, Ltd. "They say I'm not going to go down Glenwood until they finish the paving."
Areas north of Five Points, where paving was almost finished, also started rippling.
"The problem now is an even worse problem than what was there before," Spain said.
And now business owners are second guessing the original plan.
"Had they done it in smaller increments, it certainly would have been much easier on merchants, on all of us," said Margot Surgent, Villa Consegna.
Because of all the problems with the project, timetables appear to be out the window.
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