Fayetteville PD investigates rape


Investigators say the attack happened at the Brittany Place apartments on Tuesday morning.

The 32-year-old victim told police a man kicked in her door around 1 a.m. and raped her. Relatives of the victim say the attacker covered the victim's head so she couldn't identify him and stole her cell phone so she couldn't call 911.

Police say it's too early to tell if it was a random or targeted attack.

"This woman was someone who didn't receive a knock on the door and tried to go out," Fayetteville Police spokesperson Dan Grubb said. "She did all the right things as far as keeping doors locked, her windows locked and closed. This person still broke right in."

Investigators say they don't think the rapist is the same person wanted for a sexual attack and attempted attack on Bear Claw Circle and several peeping incidents in other nearby neighborhoods.

And at this point investigators haven't connected the latest rape with a serial rapist wanted for a series of rapes and break-ins around Fayetteville between late 2009 and early 2010.

Residents say if police can't catch the rapist, then they will have to start looking out for themselves.

"This is the time we need to start using our own weapons, whatever it takes to try and protect ourselves," Montclair resident Carrie Sparks said. "We ladies around here are going to have to start doing it."

The incident even has Wolfgang Nino and his wife making plans to move.

"I worry about her safety just driving to work, so this definitely has a big impact on the area, this whole neighborhood," Nino said.

Anyone with information that could help detectives is asked to call (910) 433-1856 or 483-TIPS.

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