The governor says she's just as surprised as everyone to learn the former trooper is working for the state lottery.
"I was surprised as you are," said Perdue to ABC11 Eyewitness News.
The head of the state GOP says he also has concerns.
"If your performance doesn't live up to the standards of the Highway Patrol, how does it meet with the lottery's," NC GOP Chairman Tom Fetzer said. "Don't we expect a certain level of behavior from our state employees?"
But the man in charge the North Carolina Education Lottery defends the decision.
"The controversy was allegations after work hours," NC Lottery Executive Director Tom Shaheen said.
Court documents show White admitted to the allegations --drinking nine beers at a Christmas party, having a sexual encounter with a subordinate's wife in the back of a personal car while her trooper husband, also off duty, was in the front seat. White ultimately resigned after the incident.
Still the governor says a red flag should've gone up.
"I have a zero tolerance policy," Perdue said.
However, the governor doesn't control who the lottery hires and fires. That's up to the lottery board.
Shaheen says White has done a good job and stands by his hiring.
"The fact is he was forthright, honest, we checked his references, he got a good reference from his previous employer," he said. "We had no reason not to hire him."
White is unable to talk about the situation at the patrol, but issued a statement to ABC11 on Thursday.
"I voluntarily resigned from the state Highway Patrol on June 2, 2009," said White in the statement. "I regret that my actions outside of my law enforcement work led to my resignation and the end of a seven-year career with the Highway Patrol. I am glad that I can continue to use my law enforcement experience on behalf of the N.C. Education Lottery."
In the meantime, the governor says her administration is asking questions of the lottery board.
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