More than 15,000 members are expected to spend the next week in downtown Raleigh.
"We'll be fraternizing certain businesses surrounding the area while we're here, so the businesses should reap a lot of benefits," fraternity member Namon Reid said.
The national organization says it chose the city for specific reasons.
"We want to have a city that has the right ambiance for our brotherhood, has some cites that we can see, has some history that's important to our people," Omega Psi Phi Leader Warren Lee said.
All characteristics fraternity leaders say the captial city has.
"The city has shown its great capacity to have this convention as well as even larger conventions in the future," Grand Marshall of Conclave Michael Morgan said.
That is good news for The Big Easy owner Steve Hunt, who says he's prepared to take care of the Omegas in town.
"We're extra staffed, we've got plenty of food, plenty of booze and we're ready for everybody to get down here," he said.
The conclave runs through July 30.
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