It would divide the county into a dozen or more school zones. Proponents say each one would be diverse and give parents a choice of schools within each zone.
The school board has been discussing such ideas since the newly-elected board majority decided to vote out the district's old socio-economic diversity policy in favor of sending kids to schools closer to home.
Some opponents - like the NAACP - are worried the policy will lead to the re-segregation of schools.
Last week, 19 people were arrested at the end of a mass demonstration against the school board majority.
The protestors arrested included NAACP president the Reverend William Barber, who says he also wants to have his say Tuesday.
The organization has scheduled a 3:45 p.m. news conference at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church in Raleigh.
The 19 people will discuss why they're using civil disobedience to protest the school board decision to drop the old diversity policy.
Of the 19 people, only four actually have a Wake County address.
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