And then, the newly surfaced strip of University Drive at Forest Hills is causing problems.
"It turned a bad situation to even worse," offered driver Jamie Lloyd.
Eastbound drivers on University no longer have two lanes. As ABC11 cameras watched Tuesday, drivers were surprised by the new one lane option.
"People are staring and pointing fingers and it's just getting to be very … dangerous," said Lloyd.
After the resurfacing, DOT workers added two bike lanes at the request of the city. The bike lane ends a quarter of a mile down the road.
"We don't do that haphazardly. We had Durham do a traffic analysis," explained Wally Bowman with the DOT.
Bowman says while drivers adjust, the city will soon adjust the traffic light to keep cars moving. Meantime, there are two main roads left to resurface: Roxboro and Mangum.
In a recent letter to Durham residents and businesses, the DOT says all of the work could be gone by September 16.
That's if the contractor doesn't encounter any other problems.
From sinkholes to underground utility lines, repairs totaling $100,000 have kept crews from finishing sooner.
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