"Some scumbag out there has nothing better to do than go harass kids," said the 12-year-old victim's father.
The victim's father says he doesn't want to reveal his identity out of fear the man who tried to lure his daughter will strike again.
"He obviously knows sort of what time the bus is coming," he said.
The 12-year-old girl's father says he was at work Friday afternoon when his daughter left Holly Ridge Middle School.
He says the school bus dropped her off at her stop near the Grantwood Drive area in the Sunset Oaks neighborhood when the stranger pulled up in a white pick-up.
"The guy in the truck asked her if she needed a ride and she said no and he told her to get in the car and she ran home," the father said.
The girl says the truck sped off in the opposite direction. When she got home she told her mom who immediately told other neighbors.
"Yeah, her mom had called, she came home and she was very upset," neighbor Leslie Stiehle said.
Police responded within minutes, but weren't able to find the truck driver.
"It's just unfortunate something like this would happen here, Holly Springs is a very safe town," Stiehle said.
Though police haven't confirmed the alleged abduction attempt, they're warning parents in the area to keep a close watch in their neighborhood and children.
"I'm going to have to pick her up from school until maybe this guy gets caught hopefully," the girl's father said.
"As long as we all just keep our guard up and pay attention I think we'll be okay," Stiehle said.
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