Duke student intoxicated before fatal fall


Drew Everson was discovered unconscious and severely injured near a stairwell at the East Union, also known as Marketplace, on Duke's campus October 22.

Documents from the medical examiner say Everson suffered multiple skull fractures and was declared brain dead two days later. His family agreed to donate his organs for transplants.

The documents say Everson's blood-alcohol content was .133. In North Carolina, .08 is considered to be legally intoxicated.

Police said in October their investigation indicated Everson's injuries were the result of an accidental fall, but exactly how it happened was still under investigation.

Friday, Duke's vice president for public affairs and government relations Michael Schoenfeld issued a statment:

"The medical examiner's report released today provides finality to the extensive investigation by the Duke Police, which has concluded that Drew Everson's death occurred as a result of an accidental fall into an open stairwell. The Duke community is deeply saddened by this tragedy and continues to mourn Drew's death. His legacy at Duke will be long-lasting, and we offer our thoughts and prayers to Drew's many family and friends."

A member of the Duke Debate Team, Everson also coached student members of the East Chapel Hill High School debate team. He was involved in many other student organizations, including the Inside Joke comedy troupe, Campus Council and other campus committees.

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