Traffic shift has drivers on alert along I-40

WAKE COUNTY The work on I-40 between Wade Avenue and Jones Franklin Road is expected to take about seven days to complete. The new permanent lane alignment on eastbound lanes was completed last week.

The North Carolina Department of Transportation is reminding motorists to watch signs for construction information, stay alert and obey the posted speed limit.

Updated travel information is available by calling 511 or online at

Work on the $49 million project began in July 2009 and is expected to be completed by the end of June of this year.

Officials say the project will reduce congestion and improve traffic flow through one of the most congested areas in the Triangle.

Improvements for I-40 include the addition of one 12-foot wide lane in each direction, expanding the interstate from four to six lanes, and the widening of bridges over Wade Avenue and U.S. 1/64 so they will have the capacity for eight lanes in anticipation of future widening of the highway.

The project was done using the design-build method and funded through the use of GARVEE bonds.

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